四川升降平台操作方便,应用广泛,已经成为现场市场上的新宠,但是随之出现的一些问题也是不容易忽视的。Sichuan lifting platform has the advantages of convenient operation, wide application field, has become the new darling of the market, but some problems arise is not easy to ignore.
四川升降平台最先老化的部件是密封圈,短则一年,慢则三年就需要更新换代一次,第二个容易坏的地方就是输油管,经常受到压力的向外作用力,所以在3年左右就会出现裂缝,和渗油的状况,有时还可能爆管,第三个出现老化的可能就是各个轴承,负责链接和运转各个部件的转化体,会承受很大的压力。Sichuan lifting platform first aging parts are seals, short of a year, the slowest three years will need a replacement, second place is easily broken pipes, often under pressure outward force, so in 3 years there will be cracks, and oil leakage, and sometimes burst pipes third, aging is probably each transformant bearing, responsible for links and operation of each component, will bear great pressure.
为了安全起见,四川升降平台当过了使用年限以后我们是不希望你再使用了的。或者更换必要的部件,然专业人员评测能不能继续使用。如有其它疑问可来电咨询。For the sake of safety, Sichuan lift platform when the service life after we do not want you to use the. Or replace the necessary components, although the professional evaluation can continue to use. If there are other questions can call advisory.
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