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当前位置:首页 » 润滑油对升降机的重要性


文章出处:www.cddmjx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:2810 发表时间:2017-11-29 19:56:59

1.冷却降温:润滑油能够将热量带回机油箱再散发至空气中,这样,零部件不至于温度过高。Cooling: the oil can be brought back to the heat engine oil tank and then distributed to the air, so that the parts are not too high temperature.

2.润滑减磨:活塞和汽缸之间,成都升降机主轴和轴瓦之间均存在着快速的相对滑动。Antifriction: lubrication between the piston and the cylinder, the lift shaft and bearing between Chengdu are relatively sliding fast.

3.密封防漏:润滑油可以在活塞环与活塞之间形成一个密封圈,减少气体的泄漏和防止外界的污染物进入。Seal: lubricating oil can form a sealing ring between the piston ring and piston, reduce the gas leakage and prevent access to external contamination.

4.清洗清洁:好的润滑油能够将发动机零件上污物冲洗并带回机油箱。保持各零件表面光洁。Clean and clean: good lubricating oil can flush the dirt on the engine parts and bring back the oil tank. Maintain the surface finish of all parts.

5.减震缓冲:当成都升降机发动机气缸口压力急剧上升,突然加剧活塞、活塞屑、连杆和曲轴轴承上的负荷很大,这个负荷经过轴承的传递润滑,使承受的冲击负荷起到缓冲的作用。Buffer: when Chengdu lifts the engine cylinder pressure rises sharply, suddenly intensified crumbs, piston and piston connecting rod and crankshaft bearing load, the load transfer through lubricated bearings, the impact load bearing play a buffer role.

6.防锈防蚀:润滑油能吸咐在零件表面防止水、空气、酸性物质及有害气体与零件的接触。Anti rust anti-corrosion: lubricating oil can adsorption on the surface of parts to prevent water, air, acidic substances and harmful gas and contact parts.



